
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Fulbright at 75: What role should the Fulbright Program play in fostering human rights and social justice?

As it turns 75, the internationally esteemed Fulbright Program faces a number of critical global challenges including those related to human security. Among the issues are accelerating climate change, unprepared public health systems, threats to civil society and democratic governance by corrupt and authoritarian regimes, communication technologies that mislead as well as clarify.

Underlying these […]

DOD and Strategic Communication focus of September Discussion

The US Embassy in Colombo sponsored a workshop for the Sri Lankan military in September 2017. It focused on “structure and purposes of psychological operations, information management, process of psychological operations, target audience analysis, recognition of propaganda and review,” according to a Sri Lankan military website. It was presented by USPACOM.

(Updated 9/12/18) […]