
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Spain’s Public Diplomacy Featured at March 2018 Monday Forum

Olympic Ring Park in Barcelona, Spain (A. Kotok)

(24 February 2018) Public diplomacy as practiced by Spain is the focus of the First Monday Forum in March 2018, set for 12 noon on 5 March 2018 at the Elliott School on the George Washington University campus. Leading the discussion is Cristina Fraile, deputy […]

Debate Over Values and Interests in Foreign Policy Highlights Santa Fe Forum

(Santa Fe World Affairs Forum)

(24 February 2018) Today a debate over fundamental values rages within the U.S. and abroad between the pursuit of American interests and the image of American values that transcend day-to-day policies. That debate is the theme of this year’s Santa Fe World Affairs Forum, April 9-10 in Santa […]

Iran Protests Examined at February First Monday Forum

Protests in Tehran, 30 December 2017 (Wikimedia Commons)

(29 January 2018) The recent protests in Iran and their implications for U.S. public diplomacy will be explored by a panel at the next First Monday Forum, on 5 February 2018. This and future First Monday discussions are now held at a new location: in […]

Cities and Extremism Highlighted at January 2018 Monday Forum

(A. Kotok)

(22 December 2017) The role played by cities in countering violent extremism will be examined at the initial First Monday Forum of 2018, on Monday, 8 January at American Foreign Service Association in Washington, D.C. Because cities often combine high population concentrations, recognizable landmarks, sites for large gatherings, and many soft […]

Marshall Plan Anniversary Examined at December Monday Forum

(Thomas Wolf, Wikimedia Commons)

(22 November 2017). The Marshall Plan, credited with the post-World War II recovery of Europe, celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2017, which will be the focus of the next First Monday Forum, set for Monday, December 4, 2017 beginning at 12:00 noon, at American Foreign Service Association in Washington, […]

Finland’s Centennial and Public Diplomacy Examined at Monday Forum

Amb. Kirsti Kauppi (Embassy of Finland)

(23 September 2017) The ambassador to the U.S. from Finland will describe the key role played by public diplomacy in that country’s centennial celebration at the next First Monday Forum, set for Monday, 2 October 2017 beginning at 12:00 noon, at American Foreign Service Association in Washington, D.C.
