
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Outsmarting, Selling Apartheid Discussed at First Monday Forum

(Public domain, Wikimedia Commons)

(15 February 2016). Authors of two recent books about South Africa’s apartheid era will discuss their works at the next First Monday Forum on Monday, 7 March 2016 at American Foreign Service Association, or AFSA, headquarters in Washington, D.C.

At the forum, Dan Whitman, former program development officer at […]

Gloria Kreisher, English Language Teaching Officer Extraordinaire

(Alborzagros, Wikimedia Commons)

Robert R. Gosende

(15 February 2016). Gloria Irene (Wasielewski) Kreisher: English Language Teaching Officer Extraordinaire and the English Teaching Officer Profession at the Department of State

On September 24, 2015, Gloria Irene (Wasielewski) Kreisher, one of the most effective English Language Teaching Officers ever to have served in the former […]

Walter Roberts Lecture to Highlight VOA, Values Journalism

David Ensor (

(6 February 2016). The 2016 Walter Roberts lecture will feature former Voice of American director David Ensor discussing the role of VOA and values journalism in combating propaganda and violent extremism. The event takes place on Monday, 22 February 2016 at 6:30 pm on the George Washington University campus in […]

Marine Corps Univ. Seeking Strategic Communications Faculty


(2 February 2016). Marine Corps University in Quantico, Virginia is seeking an individual for its strategic communications faculty, with areas of interest including public diplomacy. The position, funded by the Marine Corps University Foundation, is the Donald Bren Chair of Strategic Communications, for the 2016-17 academic year.

The chair provides the Marine […]