
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Iraqi Attitudes, News Sources Explored at First Monday Forum

Iraqi women using a mobile phone to take their photo. (

Update, 23 July 2016. A report and link to a video of the meeting are available on the Public Diplomacy Council Web site.

(27 June 2016). Two experts on public attitudes and media behavior in Iraq will examine changes in public opinion […]

Carter-Era Public Diplomacy History Released

John Reinhardt, right, after being sworn in as Director of the International Communication Agency by Vice-President Walter Mondale. (Department of State)

(12 June 2016) Department of State on 8 June released its official history of public diplomacy during the administration of President Jimmy Carter, 1977 to 1980. The volume covers the merger of U.S. […]

Amb. John Reinhardt Burial Set for 7 June

Amb. John E. Reinhardt (Wikimedia Commons)

The family of the Ambassador John Reinhardt says his burial will occur on Tuesday, 7 June 2016 at Arlington National Cemetery. Participants are invited to join the family at 8:00 am at Arlington cemetery’s administrative building. He died on 18 February in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Amb. Reinhardt was […]