
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

New Book on Nontraditional PD Launched at January Forum

(Public Diplomacy Council)

(24 December 2016) The next Monday lunch forum program will examine Nontraditional U.S. Public Diplomacy: Past, Present, and Future, a new book published by Public Diplomacy Council. The event takes place on Monday, 9 January 2017 at American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) in Washington, D.C.

According to its publisher, the […]

ADST Seeking to Hire a Writer/Researcher for Special Project


(17 December 2016) The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training is seeking to hire a writer to create an e-book in commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the Foreign Service Institute. The project would begin upon hiring and must be completed and approved by March 3, 2017.

FSI will be […]

DACOR-Bacon House Ramp Campaign

(DACOR-Bacon House)

(17 December 2016)

Dear Fellow Members of PDAA:

All the greetings of this season! I hope that you are your families are celebrating fully its joys and hope for the future.

I hope you will consider one additional task at this busy time. Those of you who attended the great luncheon program […]

PDAA Members to Tour, Discuss Afghan Art Exhibit

(Arthur M. Sackler Gallery)

(Updated 17 January 2017) The program is now completed.

PDAA is taking reservations for a program at the Turquoise Mountain: Artists Transforming Afghanistan exhibit at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery in Washington, D.C. on January 17 at 2:15 pm. The exhibit, which closes January 29, 2017 features Afghan woodworking, […]