
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Program Addresses “Promoting Democracy in a Turbulent World”

By Bill Wanlund

Promoting democracy – a perennial US foreign policy component – has become problematic. Democracy has seen a global decline in the past decade, according to Freedom House and other monitoring organizations. Complicating the challenge for our diplomats, the United States is no longer automatically the world’s go-to democracy role model: Persisting […]

Remembering Jake Gillespie

By Michael Schneider

Jake Gillespie

Even as a high school senior, Jake Gillespie knew he wanted to become a U.S. Foreign Service Officer. He once commented, “…. If I had to try to do some self-analysis, I would say that deep inside me there was still the boy from Cairo, Illinois, and I […]