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China Cultural Diplomacy Focus of PDAA, Confucius Institute Program

PDAA Luncheon: The Confucius Institute and China's Cultural Diplomacy
Updated 19 December 2015, new photos. The Confucius Institute and China’s Cultural Diplomacy was the topic of a luncheon program on Thursday, October 22, 2015, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, at the Textile Museum on the George Washington University campus. The event was sponsored by PDAA, an Association of Public Diplomacy Professionals and The Confucius Institute of the George Washington University.

The program featured remarks by Frances Taoran Sun, Managing Director, Confucius Institute of GWU, Li Hong, Minister Counselor, Cultural Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, and Doug Shaw, Senior Associate Provost for International Strategy at the George Washington University.

Following a box lunch hosted by the Confucius Institute, remarks, and discussion, participants visited the Confucius Institute, located at 2147 F St NW, Washington, DC, on the George Washington University campus.

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