
Back Issues of PDAA Today

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Ensor Discusses Winning Information War at Next Forum

David Ensor

David Ensor (

28 December 2015. In the next First Monday Forum, former Voice of America director David Ensor discusses his recent article in Foreign Policy, “How Washington Can Win the Information War” (registration required). In the article Ensor offers a strategy for making better use of our technological tools to defeat Islamic State and Russian propaganda efforts.

Until recently, Ensor served as VOA director, joining the network in June 2011, after serving as communications director at the U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. Ensor previously worked as a reporter or correspondent for National Public Radio, ABC News, and CNN. He was also vice-president for communications at Mercuria Energy Group, an international energy trading and investment company.

First Monday forums are a joint project of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership and Policy, and Public Diplomacy Council. The event takes place on Monday, 4 January 2016 at 12 noon, at AFSA headquarters, 2101 E Street NW, Washington DC (Foggy Bottom metro). Sandwiches and refreshments will be served.

The event is free, but advance registrations by e-mail are required: FirstMondayForum [dot] RSVP [at] gmail [dot] com.

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