
Back Issues of PDAA Today

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Carter-Era Public Diplomacy History Released

John Reinhardt and Walter Mondale

John Reinhardt, right, after being sworn in as Director of the International Communication Agency by Vice-President Walter Mondale. (Department of State)

(12 June 2016) Department of State on 8 June released its official history of public diplomacy during the administration of President Jimmy Carter, 1977 to 1980. The volume covers the merger of U.S. Information Agency with State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in 1977, and establishment of International Communication Agency in 1978.

According to a statement from the Department, the work …

illustrates the varied efforts of USIA/ICA to conceptualize and administer a vast array of cultural initiatives and programming, including film and television programs, exhibits, and international conferences. Of note is the high-level documentation of USIA/ICA Director John Reinhardt, a former Ambassador who served in both USIA and the Department of State, and his efforts to engage with the USIA/ICA community during a time of transition. It also focuses on the Department of State’s public diplomacy efforts, notably people-to-people, cultural, and educational exchanges.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1977–1980, Volume XXX, Public Diplomacy is available for download as an e-book from Department of State.

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