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Virginia Foreign Affairs Group to Hear Alberto Fernandez

Amb. Alberto Fernandez

(Courtesy, Amb. Alberto Fernandez)

(7 February 2017). Foreign Affairs Retirees of Northern Virginia, or Farnova, will hear a talk by Ambassador Alberto Fernandez at its meeting on 22 March. The event takes place at the Fort Myer Officers Club in Arlington, Virginia.

Amb. Fernandez, now a vice-president at MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, authored an article in late January on the MEMRI web site titled, “Making The U.S. State Department Great Again: Why A Trump Refit Could Be Good News.” Before retiring from State Department, he served as State Department’s Coordinator for the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications from March 2012 to February 2015. Amb. Fernandez is also the 2006 recipient of the Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Public Diplomacy.

Reservations for lunch are $25.00. The speaker begins at 12:15 pm on Wednesday, 22 March in the club’s Lamplighter Room, but attendees are encouraged to arrive after 11:30 am, since parking can be tight on the base.  Farnova is not yet taking reservations, but Michael Korff can answer questions about the event, at

The Fort Myer Officers Club is located on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Arlington. You can enter the base at the Hatfield Gate, on Washington Boulevard. When entering that gate, stay in the right lane if you have a State Department active or retiree badge, to avoid inspections and their delays. If you do not have a badge, stay in the left lane.

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