
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Membership Dues Increase

The PDAA board of directors has voted to raise membership dues for those living in the greater Washington, DC, area to $50 annually. Dues for those living elsewhere will remain at $35 per year. (The Washington, DC, area includes the adjacent MD and VA counties, plus the ring of counties one layer out, e.g., Loudoun and Prince William in Virginia or Howard, Frederick, and Anne Arundel in Maryland. Those who live even further out but regularly attend PDAA and First Monday events are asked to pay at the $50 rate.

This increase goes into effect September 1, so those who have not yet paid 2019 dues may want to do so now.

PDAA faces cost increases that it must cover to keep its budget balanced. The Board also recognizes that members living in the DC area have more opportunities to benefit from PDAA programs than do those further away, particularly the First Monday events held jointly with PDC and the U. of Southern California (that are free to attendees but are subsidized by the sponsoring organizations).

The Board strives to minimize cost increases. For example, the organization opted for a less elaborate menu at the DACOR Speaker Luncheons, in lieu of raising participation fees. The Board is also discussing new fundraising ideas for the annual PDAA awards. (This year, generous member donations to the awards fund topped $2,300 – thanks to everyone who gave!)

To renew online, click here.

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