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November 12 Conference Explores Public Diplomacy’s Past and Future [Updated]

Conference panel photo

PDAA president Mike Schneider (left) moderated a panel at the conference on USIA and the Foundations of Public Diplomacy, with Donna Oglesby and Robert LaGamma. Also on the panel were Len Baldyga, Yale Richmond, and Prof. Nicholas Cull at University of Southern California. (Photo: Brittany Lynk)

[Updated 17 November 2013]

Public Diplomacy Council, in collaboration with PDAA and other organizations, presented a day-long conference on U.S. Public Diplomacy: A Look to the Past, A Look to the Future. The event, which is also Public Diplomacy Council’s Fall Forum, took place on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at Department of State’s George C. Marshall Conference Center.

The program featured a keynote speech by VOA director David Ensor, commemoration of USIA and State Department alumni, two morning panels, lunch, six breakout sessions, an afternoon panel, closing remarks, and photo gallery. Public Diplomacy Council expects to publish a proceedings volume from the event. Speakers, panel members, and breakout session participants included several PDAA members. Deborah Trent, one of the event’s organizers, gives a few highlights on the Public Diplomacy Council site.

Donald Bishop and Amy Storrow

Public Diplomacy Council president Donald Bishop and current public diplomacy officer Amy Storrow offer closing remarks. Storrow was a 2009 recipient of PDAA’s Public Diplomacy Achievement Award. (photo: Brittany Lynk)


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