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Amb. Thomas Pickering to Discuss Post-Benghazi Public Diplomacy in Roberts Lecture

Amb. Thomas Pickering

Amb. Thomas Pickering (Department of State)

Ambassador Thomas Pickering will outline public diplomacy challenges following the incident last year in Benghazi, Libya in the third annual Walter Roberts Lecture, presented by the Walter Roberts Endowment and the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication. The talk takes place Tuesday 5 November, 6:00 to 7:30 pm, at the School of Media and Public Affairs, 805 21st Street NW, Room B07, on the George Washington University campus in Washington, D.C.

Ambassador Pickering plans to discuss public diplomacy challenges in a time of protest and upheaval, digital media, and emerging competitors to America’s pre-eminence on the world stage, particularly in light of the incident in Benghazi, Libya. Frank Sesno, director of the School of Media and Public Affairs, will serve as moderator. Q&A will follow the lecture.

Walter Roberts, former U.S. Foreign Service officer and associate director of the U.S. Information Agency, in 2005 established the Walter Roberts Endowment in order to create and support the activities of the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication at George Washington University.

Thomas Pickering is a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and served as co-chair of the panel which investigated the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi. His career spans four decades and includes posts in Russia, India, Israel, El Salvador, and beyond. In 2000, he retired from the State Department as the Under Secretary for Political Affairs.

The event is free, but online registration is required.


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