
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

February 12 PDAA Program Explores Democracy and Human Rights as Policy Priorities

(Vlad Tchompalov, Unsplash)

(Updated 14 February 2018) Throughout U.S. history, and particularly during the past century, democracy and human rights have waxed and waned in their importance to U.S. foreign policy: the Marshall Plan after World War II sought to promote economic recovery in a devastated Europe, but also good governance and democratic […]

Cities and Extremism Highlighted at January 2018 Monday Forum

(A. Kotok)

(22 December 2017) The role played by cities in countering violent extremism will be examined at the initial First Monday Forum of 2018, on Monday, 8 January at American Foreign Service Association in Washington, D.C. Because cities often combine high population concentrations, recognizable landmarks, sites for large gatherings, and many soft […]

Int’l Students Increase in U.S., New Enrollments Decline

Top 10 origins for international students

(24 November 2017) The number of international students at U.S. colleges and universities increased in the 2016-17 academic year, totaling more than 1 million students from overseas for the second year in a row. But the number of new students enrolling at U.S. institutions declined in the […]

Guest Post: Valuing Public Diplomacy

(Gerd Altmann, Pixabay)

Editor’s note: This essay, reprinted with permission, first appeared in the CPD Blog, published by the USC Center on Public Diplomacy.

Shawn Powers

(22 November 2017). Recent headlines about the State Department have been filled with drama and intrigue. While important, these accounts overshadow the important, day-to-day efforts responsible for […]

Atlantic Council Report Calls For Separate Public Diplomacy Agency

(Atlantic Council)

(16 September 2017) A Washington, DC think tank recommends forming a stand-alone agency devoted to public diplomacy under the rubric of State Department. The Atlantic Council issued its assessment of State Department’s mission and organization on 6 September 2017, prepared at the request of Ed Royce, chairman of the House Foreign […]

Public Diplomacy Amidst Fake News Explored at Sept. 25 PDAA Lunch

(Jacqueline Macou, Pixabay)

(Updated 23 September 2017) Reservations are now closed.

Fake News and Disinformation: we cannot watch the news, surf the Internet, or even carry on a social conversation without hearing the words. Whether from U.S. political leaders and spokespersons, foreign governments, media figures, violent extremists, “tweeters” “bloggers,” or bots, we face […]