
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Smart Power and Citizen Diplomacy Examined at November 30, 2011 Event

Sherry Mueller (National Council for International Visitors)

Sherry Mueller, who until recently led the National Council of International Visitors (NCIV), will discuss the role of citizen diplomacy in public diplomacy — an important role in her view — and how that role might be expanded in the future. Mueller shared her observations at […]

Smart Power and Citizen Diplomacy

Sherry Mueller (National Council for International Visitors)

Sherry L. Mueller

Remarks as prepared for the Public Diplomacy Alumni Association November 30, 2011 DACOR-Bacon House, Washington, D.C.

Thank you, Joe, for that gracious introduction. I’m grateful to you, Mike Schneider, and the PDAA board for this welcome opportunity to offer some reflections and begin […]