
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

PDAA Awards Hail Public Diplomacy Officers for Creativity in Challenging Environments

Mark Bosse, Assistant Information Officer in Baghdad, leads training for government spokespersons (U.S. Embassy Baghdad)

(10 May 2018) The 2018 winners of the 21st annual PDAA Awards for Excellence in Public Diplomacy demonstrate the necessity of being able to utilize a basket of strategies in addressing the challenges of influencing public opinion in […]

Alberto Fernandez Featured at April’s Monday Forum

Amb. Alberto Fernandez (, Wikimedia Commons)

(1 April 2018). A conversation with Ambassador Alberto Fernandez highlights the next Monday forum, on a special date and time: 23 April 2018 at 3:00 pm. The discussion takes place at the Elliott School on the George Washington University campus in Washington, D.C.

Amb. Fernandez is president […]

Iran Protests Examined at February First Monday Forum

Protests in Tehran, 30 December 2017 (Wikimedia Commons)

(29 January 2018) The recent protests in Iran and their implications for U.S. public diplomacy will be explored by a panel at the next First Monday Forum, on 5 February 2018. This and future First Monday discussions are now held at a new location: in […]

Winners of 20th Annual PDAA Awards Hailed for Creativity and Innovation

Dolores Prin, second from right, at a school in Okinawa (U.S. Consulate General Naha)

(11 May 2017) The 2017 winners of the 20th annual PDAA awards for excellence in public diplomacy demonstrated exceptional innovation, ability to connect with foreign audiences, and affect real change in challenging environments.

PDAA, a volunteer, nonprofit organization of […]

Virginia Foreign Affairs Group to Hear Alberto Fernandez

(Courtesy, Amb. Alberto Fernandez)

(7 February 2017). Foreign Affairs Retirees of Northern Virginia, or Farnova, will hear a talk by Ambassador Alberto Fernandez at its meeting on 22 March. The event takes place at the Fort Myer Officers Club in Arlington, Virginia.

Amb. Fernandez, now a vice-president at MEMRI, the Middle East Media […]

Iraqi Attitudes, News Sources Explored at First Monday Forum

Iraqi women using a mobile phone to take their photo. (

Update, 23 July 2016. A report and link to a video of the meeting are available on the Public Diplomacy Council Web site.

(27 June 2016). Two experts on public attitudes and media behavior in Iraq will examine changes in public opinion […]