
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Future of Public Diplomacy Organizations Focus of Special Meeting

A special roundtable discussion among members of the Public Diplomacy Association of America, the Public Diplomacy Council, and other interested professionals has been set for Mon., Sep. 9, 2019. It will focus on the past, present, and future of organizations focused on Public Diplomacy.

The special meeting will will take place at noon at […]

A Fulbrighter’s Return to Vietnam

by Stephen Cottrell

The English novelist George Orwell best captured my first experience in Vietnam with his penetrating words, “If the war didn’t kill you it was bound to start you thinking.” Having survived the former, I became a huge fan of the latter.

Prof. Cottrell in Vietnam

It can be safely assumed […]

History and Future of Public Diplomacy Focus of November 5 Lunch Forum

A special luncheon forum focused on the History and Future of Public Diplomacy will take place on November 5. It is part of the monthly “First Monday” luncheon discussions presented by PDAA, the Public Diplomacy Council, and the USC Annenberg program.

The panel will include (in alphabetical order): – Donald Bishop, Bren […]

Culture-Education Diplomacy Awardees Named for 2017

(Lois Roth Endowment)

(10 June 2017). The Lois Roth Endowment named its winners of this year’s achievement awards for cultural and educational diplomacy at a ceremony on 31 May. The awards were announced by Skyler Arndt-Briggs, chair of the Lois Roth Endowment, and Rick Ruth, Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of State […]

Gloria Kreisher, English Language Teaching Officer Extraordinaire

(Alborzagros, Wikimedia Commons)

Robert R. Gosende

(15 February 2016). Gloria Irene (Wasielewski) Kreisher: English Language Teaching Officer Extraordinaire and the English Teaching Officer Profession at the Department of State

On September 24, 2015, Gloria Irene (Wasielewski) Kreisher, one of the most effective English Language Teaching Officers ever to have served in the former […]

Fulbright Association Seeks Volunteer Support

Fulbright Association meeting in Tirana, Albania (Courtesy, Fulbright Association)

The erosion of the Fulbright Program is nearing a tipping point after years of flat funding, the threatened cuts of 2014, and thirty-odd years of multi-directional attacks on the Program. Those concerned have a way to help.

The Fulbright Association (FA), the organization of […]