
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Nelson Mandela Centennial Focus of July 23 Forum

The centennial of Nelson Mandela’s birth will be the focus of a luncheon discussion on July 23. The program is jointly sponsored by PDAA, the Public Diplomacy Council, and the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy.

Mandela’s legacy as the first black president of South Africa and his peaceful rise to power has […]

June Forum to Focus on Governors as Ambassadors – Public Diplomacy at the State Level

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey has a close relationship with Gov. Claudia Pavlovich of Sonora, Mexico. (Office of Gov. Doug Ducey, Governing Magazine)

(16 May 2018) The role of state-level government in public diplomacy will take center-stage at the June 4 First Monday program. The noon event is cosponsored by PDAA and takes place […]

Cultural Diplomacy’s Future Examined at May Forum

American rapper Wordsmith, with an Arab-Jewish band at the Rap for Humanity concert in Tel Aviv in 2016 (U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv)

(28 April 2018). The extent and nature of cultural diplomacy in the future will be explored at the next First Monday Forum, on May 7, 2018 at 12 noon. The event […]

Alberto Fernandez Featured at April’s Monday Forum

Amb. Alberto Fernandez (, Wikimedia Commons)

(1 April 2018). A conversation with Ambassador Alberto Fernandez highlights the next Monday forum, on a special date and time: 23 April 2018 at 3:00 pm. The discussion takes place at the Elliott School on the George Washington University campus in Washington, D.C.

Amb. Fernandez is president […]

May 6 PDAA Brunch Honors Excellence in Public Diplomacy

L-R: Bix Aliu, Adrienne Bory, Amb. Cynthia Efird, Lisa Heller, Tim Marshall, Elizabeth Thornhill, chair, PDAA Awards Committee (A. Kotok)

Update 11 May 2018) PDAA held its 2018 awards program that honored excellence in public diplomacy on Sunday, May 6, 2018 at the Army and Navy Club in Washington, DC. In all but […]

April 9 PDAA Program Explores China’s Leadership Goals and Public Perceptions

Xi Jinping in 2015 (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

(Update: 10 April 2018) As China’s economic, military and political influence grow, the world asks how it will project its influence and power internationally, and what internal forces and self-image drives China’s expansion. This timely discussion took place on Monday, April 9, 2018 at DACOR-Bacon House […]