
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Future of Public Diplomacy Organizations Focus of Special Meeting

A special roundtable discussion among members of the Public Diplomacy Association of America, the Public Diplomacy Council, and other interested professionals has been set for Mon., Sep. 9, 2019. It will focus on the past, present, and future of organizations focused on Public Diplomacy.

The special meeting will will take place at noon at […]

Robert J. Korengold: An Appreciation

Robert J. Korengold

by Miller Crouch

When I met Bud Korengold at USIS Paris in the early 1990s, he was one of the most well-known senior Foreign Service officers in the U.S. Information Agency. He was known especially for his singular success directing large press operations at some of our most important European […]

New Speaker Added to Feb. 28 Program on Engaging North Korea, Other Hard-to-Reach Audiences

(Updated Feb. 18, 2019) After decades of hostile or no communication, difficult, often halting efforts to negotiate, “soft power” diplomacy (including visits to North Korea by the New York Philharmonic and basketball player Dennis Rodman), and a dangerous ratcheting-up of nuclear brinksmanship in 2017, in March 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean […]

History and Future of Public Diplomacy Focus of November 5 Lunch Forum

A special luncheon forum focused on the History and Future of Public Diplomacy will take place on November 5. It is part of the monthly “First Monday” luncheon discussions presented by PDAA, the Public Diplomacy Council, and the USC Annenberg program.

The panel will include (in alphabetical order): – Donald Bishop, Bren […]

PDAA Awards Hail Public Diplomacy Officers for Creativity in Challenging Environments

Mark Bosse, Assistant Information Officer in Baghdad, leads training for government spokespersons (U.S. Embassy Baghdad)

(10 May 2018) The 2018 winners of the 21st annual PDAA Awards for Excellence in Public Diplomacy demonstrate the necessity of being able to utilize a basket of strategies in addressing the challenges of influencing public opinion in […]

Cultural Diplomacy’s Future Examined at May Forum

American rapper Wordsmith, with an Arab-Jewish band at the Rap for Humanity concert in Tel Aviv in 2016 (U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv)

(28 April 2018). The extent and nature of cultural diplomacy in the future will be explored at the next First Monday Forum, on May 7, 2018 at 12 noon. The event […]