
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Future of Public Diplomacy Organizations Focus of Special Meeting

A special roundtable discussion among members of the Public Diplomacy Association of America, the Public Diplomacy Council, and other interested professionals has been set for Mon., Sep. 9, 2019. It will focus on the past, present, and future of organizations focused on Public Diplomacy.

The special meeting will will take place at noon at […]

PDAA Program Year Gets Off to a Start with Focus on DOD-State Cooperation in PD

LTC Greg Tomlin (at podium) and LTC Scott Howell (left) and retired FSO Don Bishop spoke at the September 24 luncheon discussion at DACOR Bacon House on DOD and State Department collaboration in strategic communication. (Alan Kotok) PDAA’s program year got started on September 24 with a program that focused on DOD and State […]

DOD and Strategic Communication focus of September Discussion

The US Embassy in Colombo sponsored a workshop for the Sri Lankan military in September 2017. It focused on “structure and purposes of psychological operations, information management, process of psychological operations, target audience analysis, recognition of propaganda and review,” according to a Sri Lankan military website. It was presented by USPACOM.

(Updated 9/12/18) […]

Cultural Diplomacy’s Future Examined at May Forum

American rapper Wordsmith, with an Arab-Jewish band at the Rap for Humanity concert in Tel Aviv in 2016 (U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv)

(28 April 2018). The extent and nature of cultural diplomacy in the future will be explored at the next First Monday Forum, on May 7, 2018 at 12 noon. The event […]

May 6 PDAA Brunch Honors Excellence in Public Diplomacy

L-R: Bix Aliu, Adrienne Bory, Amb. Cynthia Efird, Lisa Heller, Tim Marshall, Elizabeth Thornhill, chair, PDAA Awards Committee (A. Kotok)

Update 11 May 2018) PDAA held its 2018 awards program that honored excellence in public diplomacy on Sunday, May 6, 2018 at the Army and Navy Club in Washington, DC. In all but […]

Iran Protests Examined at February First Monday Forum

Protests in Tehran, 30 December 2017 (Wikimedia Commons)

(29 January 2018) The recent protests in Iran and their implications for U.S. public diplomacy will be explored by a panel at the next First Monday Forum, on 5 February 2018. This and future First Monday discussions are now held at a new location: in […]