
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

New Nonprofit Promotes U.S. Global Engagement

Two Washington-based Organizations Merge

Today, April 15, 2022, the Public Diplomacy Council and the Public Diplomacy Association of America merged to form The Public Diplomacy Council of America (PDCA), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in the state of Virginia.

The PDCA will offer an annual award for outstanding public diplomacy initiatives at the U.S. State Department, […]

Merger of PDAA and Public Diplomacy Council Approved by Boards of Directors

Report of the Public Diplomacy Coalition Working Group Merger Targeted for 2022

In 2019, the PDC and PDAA boards each approved the creation of a joint working group (WG) to examine all aspects of the two organizations and to make recommendations for the future relationship of the two organizations. The six members of the WG […]

Memorandum for President-Elect Biden – Public Diplomacy: Re-engaging the World

November 29, 2020

While international faith in America’s global leadership is much diminished, there is residual affinity around the world for our values, goals, and democratic heritage. On that foundation, we must rebuild our credibility as a world leader and as a society worthy of emulation.

The Biden-Harris Administration faces many global challenges and will […]

Statement on response to COVID-19

Given the need for diligence in the face of the COVID-19 threat, and in consultation with our USC partner, we are postponing our April 6 First Monday Forum. During this time, when it is vital to observe social distancing guidelines, we are exploring the feasibility of online events and will continue to provide you […]

Martha Graham and the Legacy of Dance Diplomacy

Victoria Phillips’s book on Martha Graham was the subject of a discussion at the National Museum of American Diplomacy on March 5, 2020

The National Museum of American Diplomacy at the State Department arranged a “Diplomacy After Hours” discussion on March 5, 2020, that focused on a new book by Victoria Phillips, Martha […]

Future of Public Diplomacy Organizations Focus of Special Meeting

A special roundtable discussion among members of the Public Diplomacy Association of America, the Public Diplomacy Council, and other interested professionals has been set for Mon., Sep. 9, 2019. It will focus on the past, present, and future of organizations focused on Public Diplomacy.

The special meeting will will take place at noon at […]