
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Merger of PDAA and Public Diplomacy Council Approved by Boards of Directors

Report of the Public Diplomacy Coalition Working Group

Merger Targeted for 2022

In 2019, the PDC and PDAA boards each approved the creation of a joint working group (WG) to examine all aspects of the two organizations and to make recommendations for the future relationship of the two organizations.  The six members of the WG are all members of both organizations and include the two respective presidents.  The WG looked at all possibilities, from the status quo to full integration.

Throughout the process, we were guided by the principle that this be a win-win situation for all.  We see this as a merger of two equal organizations with similar governance and strong programs that are complementary or collaborative, all of which would thrive in a stronger, combined entity.


  1. Mission and Vision Statement.
  2. All current programs of both organizations should continue to be fully supported.
  3. The PDAA Program Committee is a model for the new organization and should merge with the current joint program committee.
  4. PDC’s E-Book process could be a template for record-keeping in a combined organization.
  5. A new combined organization could probe the possibility of partnering with U.S. Embassies and Consulates on programs.
  6. The new organization should adopt a campaign to make it more attractive to would-be members, including active duty FS and GS. This should include a hard look at member benefits.
  7. All current and former State Department and USAGM personnel should be welcome as new members. Anyone else is welcome to apply for membership and will require a current member to recommend him or her.
  8. A web-based platform should be chosen for membership issues, to include an easily accessible member directory.
  9. PDAA Life (currently suspended) and PDC Life and Emeritus (currently suspended) membership categories should be discontinued, grandparenting in current members.
  10. The new organization should have 501(c)3 tax status. It is possible the current PDC 501(c)3 status could apply.
  11. Calendar Year 2021 should be a period of transition. Recommendations for the transition/implementation phase are below and include working groups on finances, governance, legal Issues, and media presence/branding.  Recommendations for those working groups are also in the discussion that follows. We are willing to continue in an oversight function to coordinate the work of those groups.

Click here to read full report.

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