
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Linda Jewell – an Appreciation

Linda Jewell

Jazz Piano Christmas, an annual popular feature in the Kennedy Center’s jazz concert series, won’t be the same this year.

One of the last conversations I had with Linda confirmed that come December 7, as in years gone by, we’d again go to the Christmas program together. She wanted to know […]

Linda Jewell — Additional Appreciations

by Colonel (Ret.) Mark S. Wikins

This photo shows Linda Jewell doing what Foreign Service Officers do best. In 2007, we were working hard with the Ecuadorian military to close off their northern border with Colombia to FARC activities. At that time, the FARC was actively using Ecuadorian territory for all kinds of […]

The State of State: Issues Facing the Foreign Service Today

You are invited to join the next First Monday lunch forum on December 2, The State of State: Issues Facing the Foreign Service Today, featuring Ambassador Eric Rubin, President of the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA).

AFSA President Eric Rubin

The forum starts at 12:00 pm and takes place at George Washington University’s […]

The Power of Ideas That Won the Cold War is Still Needed

by Christopher Datta

Twenty years ago, the United States Information Agency (USIA) was consolidated into the United States Department of State. On this 20th anniversary of that event, it is time to reexamine the wisdom of that decision. In my opinion, it was a mistake.

To win the Cold War, President Ronald Reagan did something […]