
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Can Diplomacy Really be Public? [Updated]

PDAA president Mike Schneider served as moderator of the discussion. (Courtesy, Embassy of Sweden)

Update: 23 October 2013: Photos from the event are now online.

Update, 19 October 2013: Joe Johnson reviewed the discussion at this event for Public Diplomacy Council, Swedes, Dutch and Brits Make Their Public Diplomacy … Public.

Just what is […]

A new entry on “A Way with Words: Books by USIA Authors”

Updated: 29 September 2013’s list of books by public diplomacy alumni continues to grow with the addition today of Bill Lenderking’s new work, The Soul Murderer: A Psychological Mystery. “In The Soul Murderer,” says the blurb on, “a gruesome murder occurs, and the need to find the answers changes the lives of many […]

Pew Survey: Muslim Publics Concerned About Extremism


Concern about Islamic extremism remains widespread among Muslims from South Asia to the Middle East to sub-Saharan Africa. Across 11 Muslim publics surveyed by the Pew Research Center, a median of 67{2a6033f7eac5eade65ac45c5dc15245d782bf621d43785c1e0a25870ae642a3b} say they are somewhat or very concerned about Islamic extremism. In five countries – Pakistan, Jordan, Tunisia, Turkey and Indonesia […]

Development, Public Diplomacy, Datapaloozas, and Hack-A-Thons

Donald Steinberg (

The International Communication Program and Public Diplomacy Council present a discussion of “Development and Public Diplomacy in the Age of Datapaloozas and Hack-A-Thons,” featuring Donald Steinberg, President and CEO of World Learning (formerly Experiment in International Living). The program takes place Tuesday, 22 October at 12:00 pm at American University’s School […]

Israeli, Turkish Diplomats Featured at September 9 USC/PDC Lunch

The next lunch time program discussing public diplomacy takes place on Monday, September 9, 2013, a joint event of the Center for Public Diplomacy at University of Southern California and Public Diplomacy Council.

The event, titled Public Diplomacy as a Global Phenomenon: Israel and Turkey, begins at 12 noon and takes place at American Foreign […]