
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

A new entry on “A Way with Words: Books by USIA Authors”

Updated: 29 September 2013’s list of books by public diplomacy alumni continues to grow with the addition today of Bill Lenderking’s new work, The Soul Murderer: A Psychological Mystery. “In The Soul Murderer,” says the blurb on, “a gruesome murder occurs, and the need to find the answers changes the lives of many people. This is a work of fiction but it is based on a real incident.”

A reviewer notes, “The setting and characters there ring true, as well as in Washington at the State Department and on the Hill and also at the trial where events unfold thereafter. The Soul Murderer is a gripping and realistic read.”

Update, 29 September 2013: In more USIA author news, former FSO David Arnett, author of Messengers and other titles in our list, has a new author Web site. Check it out.


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