
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Strengthening America’s Public Diplomacy Capability: USIA, the Cold War, and Combating ISIS Propaganda — Part 3

Emily Green, center, at a workshop she organized for Guinean health communicators at the height of the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak (Kimberly Phelan-Royston)

(30 January 2016) Editor’s note. In reply to an 8 January 2016 article in the Washington Post, “Obama administration plans shake-up in propaganda war against ISIS” Bruce Byers wrote an essay […]

Strengthening America’s Public Diplomacy Capability: USIA, the Cold War, and Combating ISIS Propaganda — Part 2

Jennifer Galt conducting Web chat over social media (U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou)

Bruce Byers

(30 January 2016). Editor’s note. In reply to an 8 January 2016 article in the Washington Post, “Obama administration plans shake-up in propaganda war against ISIS” Bruce Byers wrote an essay about the effectiveness of USIA in projecting American […]

Strengthening America’s Public Diplomacy Capability: USIA, the Cold War, and Combating ISIS Propaganda — Part 1


Bruce Byers

(30 January 2016). Editor’s note. In reply to an 8 January 2016 article in the Washington Post, “Obama administration plans shake-up in propaganda war against ISIS” Bruce Byers wrote an essay about the effectiveness of USIA in projecting American ideas and policies to foreign audiences during the Cold War. The […]

Fulbright Association Seeks Volunteer Support

Fulbright Association meeting in Tirana, Albania (Courtesy, Fulbright Association)

The erosion of the Fulbright Program is nearing a tipping point after years of flat funding, the threatened cuts of 2014, and thirty-odd years of multi-directional attacks on the Program. Those concerned have a way to help.

The Fulbright Association (FA), the organization of […]

Mike McCurry Highlights Foreign Policy in 2016 Election

Mike McCurry, at the February 18, 2016 PDAA lunch, describes the polarization of the American electorate. (A. Kotok)

(Updated 20 February 2016) PDAA’s February 18, 2016 lunch program featured veteran political strategist and former White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry who described the role of foreign policy in the 2016 presidential elections, and […]