
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Gone but Not Forgotten

Retired FSIO Allen Hansen’s review of the new book about the last days of USIA by professor Nicholas Cull appears in this month’s issue of Foreign Service Journal, and Hansen offers a preview to

Nicholas J. Cull’s latest book, The Decline and Fall of the United States Information Agency, American Public Diplomacy, 1989-2001 is […]

President’s Note: March 2013

March 4, 2013

Association president Mike Schneider describes PDAA’s outreach campaign, coming events including a conference on the U.S. and East Asia in New Mexico and PDAA’s April 2 lunch program on Asia, as well as collaboration with NCIV. And Mike tells about the public diplomacy achievement awards, which will be announced at PDAA’s annual […]

Rafer and Me, in Kabul and on Network TV

February 17, 2013

Jazz DeCou

As Ernesto Uribe told the Public Diplomacy Alumni Blog, public diplomacy officers sometimes end up in the big time world of show business. Jazz DeCou, retired from USIA and now living in France — colleagues may remember him as Jim DeCou — tells how his USIS work with American Olympic […]

Cuba — Ripe for a Public Diplomacy Initiative

Photography class, University of the Arts, Havana (A. Kotok)

February 2, 2013

Alan Kotok, PDAA’s newsletter and Web site editor, returned on 29 January 2013 from an eight-day University of Iowa alumni seminar in Cuba, and highlights public diplomacy opportunities for the U.S. to exploit, before others beat us to it.

We returned this […]

National Defense Language Corps

January 12, 2013

Here’s an opportunity for public diplomacy alumni to make good use of their language and cultural skills: the National Defense Language Corps, a new Department of Defense initiative.

American Forces Press Service highlights the National Defense Language Corps, a new Department of Defense initiative where public diplomacy alumni can offer their language […]

The Junior Wells Chicago Blues Band in Bamako, Mali

Bob Baker

December 30, 2012

The dictatorial, Marxist Malian government ran Radio Mali with European communist material and editorial assistance in 1968. They denounced the U.S. every day as a racist, imperialist, blood-sucking capitalist country. My job at our Embassy in Bamako was to get pro-American stories into Malian mass media. I failed at that, […]