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PDAA Honors 2008 Public Diplomacy Award Recipients

Public Diplomacy Alumni Association recognizes achievements by professionals in Azerbaijan, Burma, and Taiwan

The Public Diplomacy Alumni Association (PDAA) paid tribute to the three outstanding recipients of the 2008 Award for Achievement in Public Diplomacy at the association’s annual dinner on May 4.

This year’s PDAA honors went to Jonathan Henick, Public Affairs Officer in Baku, Azerbaijan; the Foreign Service National Staff in Rangoon, Burma (Myanmar); and Nicholas Papp, Cultural Affairs Officer and American Center Director in Taipei, Taiwan. Some 75 PDAA members, their families and friends, gathered at the Divino Lounge in Bethesda, Maryland to recognize the awardees’ outstanding achievements:

Jonathan Henick, for outstanding efforts an personal commitment, courage and creativity promoting and defending freedom of speech and independent journalism in the repressive environment of Azerbaijan.

Foreign Service National Staff, Rangoon, Burma, for outstanding efforts and perseverance in promoting democracy and human rights in Burma. Through exchange programs, the American Center library, English teaching, publications, donated book programs and media outreach, (they) creatively and courageously brought to bear a broad range of public diplomacy tools and programs while operating in a challenging environment, often at great personal risk.

Nicholas Papp, for outstanding initiative and creativity in revitalizing and modernizing Taiwan’s EducationUSA program and extending its outreach to broader publics through the innovative utilization of new media and technologies.

This year’s winners were chosen from among 17 impressive Department of State foreign and civil service employees in Washington and from every world region. They included public affairs officers, cultural affairs officers, information officers, an office management specialist, Foreign Service National employees, entire embassy public affairs sections, Foreign Service Institute training specialists, and even a Virtual Presence Post team. Working with increasingly tight resources, the nominees brought creativity, perseverance, initiative and commitment to broadening America’s dialogue with overseas publics through exchanges, innovative programming, new media technologies and personal engagement.



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