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Online Cultural Diplomacy Course Now Available

Unitar course


(19 February 2017). An online seminar in cultural diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy in a Multipolar World, conducted by the UN’s Institute for Training and Research or Unitar, is now open for registration.

Cultural diplomacy has long been the Cinderella of foreign ministries. But, as with its close relation, public diplomacy, interest in cultural diplomacy has increased with growing understanding of the significance of soft power in achieving states’ objectives in the international realm.

This course examines the role of cultural diplomacy in the 21st Century. After first defining cultural diplomacy, the course discusses the concept of soft power and how this has informed the development of both public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy. There follows an account of the history of cultural diplomacy and of the influence of technological and societal change on its practice. Current practice in the field of cultural diplomacy will be analyzed, along with the varied institutional arrangements in key countries. Finally, there will be an examination of cultural diplomacy as conducted in multilateral fora.

The course is internet-based, moderated by senior international experts, asynchronous, and places emphasis on online discussions and self-paced learning. The participants will be primarily responsible for their own learning over the three-week span of the course.

The program runs 20 February to 12 March 2017. The fee for the course is $US 500.00. For more details, see the course page on the Unitar web site.

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