
Back Issues of PDAA Today

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Smart Power and Citizen Diplomacy Examined at November 30, 2011 Event

Sherry Mueller

Sherry Mueller (National Council for International Visitors)

Sherry Mueller, who until recently led the National Council of International Visitors (NCIV), will discuss the role of citizen diplomacy in public diplomacy — an important role in her view — and how that role might be expanded in the future. Mueller shared her observations at the November 30, 2011 luncheon program of the Public Diplomacy Alumni Association in Washington, D.C.

See   for the text of the remarks.

Mueller also examined opportunities for collaboration between PDAA and NCIV, including reciprocal memberships that harness the communications skills of Association members — working as individuals — advocating for public diplomacy and exchange programs. She believes strongly that PDAA members possess valuable talent and experience that can and should be put to use and not remain on the sidelines.

Mueller served with NCIV first as Executive Director and then as President until September 30, 2011.  Before coming to NCIV, she worked for 18 years at the Institute of International Education (IIE), first as a program officer and then as Director of the Professional Exchange Programs staff.  During this time she was also an adjunct professor, pioneering the first course on public diplomacy at American University’s School of International Service (SIS). Prior to joining IIE, Mueller served as an Experiment Leader to the former Soviet Union, an  English Language Officer for the U.S. Department of State, and a lecturer at the University of Rhode Island.

Mueller has served on the boards of various nonprofit organizations including World Learning (Vice Chair), the Public Diplomacy Council, Friendship Force International, and the U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy. She has taught English in Brazil, participated in an Experiment in International Living program in Germany, and served as a speaker and conducted workshops on leadership development in nonprofit organizations for the Department of State in Saudi Arabia.In October 2008, Georgetown University Press published the book Working World: Careers in International Education, Exchange, and Development, written by Mueller with Mark Overmann. She has Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy and Ph.D. degrees from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

This PDAA event was held on Wednesday, November 30, 12:00 pm, at the DACOR-Bacon House, 1801 F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.



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