
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Prospects for the Ramaphosa Administration Focus of November 19 PDAA Lunch Program

President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses book launch honouring the centenaries of President Nelson Mandela and Struggle heroine Mama Albertina Sisulu, as well as the writing of South Africa’s democratic Constitution. (Photo GCIS, reprinted under Creative Commons) President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses book launch honouring the centenaries of President Nelson Mandela and Struggle heroine Mama Albertina Sisulu, as well as the writing of South Africa’s democratic Constitution. (Photo GCIS, reprinted under Creative Commons)

(Updated 10/24/18) For its second program of the 2018-19 year, PDAA will focus on Nelson Mandela’s legacy and the prospects for the Cyril Ramaphosa Administration. The discussion will take place on November 19 at noon at the DACOR-Bacon House.

The speakers include sociologist Fran Buntman, who teaches Criminal Justice, Law, and the politics of South Africa at George Washington University. Her book, Robben Island and Prisoner Resistance to Apartheid (Cambridge, 2002) reconstructs the inmates’ resistance strategies to show how these men created a new political and social order while behind bars. Professor Buntman has written for academic and law journals and been interviewed by The Boston Globe, Al Jazeera, the Turkish New Agency, the Christian Broadcast Network, and the Kojo Nnamdi Show of WAMU, NPR, among others.

Sherwin Bryce-Pease is UN Bureau Chief of South Africa Broadcasting Corporation News. Mr. Bryce-Pease has been with SABCNEWS since May 2002. He was elected president of the UN Correspondents Association in 2017 and re-elected in 2018. His address for the Association’s Celebration of World Press Freedom Day is available on its website

The discussion will be led by Witney Schneidman, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.

The event will take place on Mon., Nov. 19, from 12:00 to 2:00, at DACOR Bacon House, 1801 F St. NW. To register, please complete the form on page 7 of the newsletter or register on-line To register, please complete the form on page 7 of the newsletter or register using the drop-down menu below. Deadline is Nov. 15 at 5:00 p.m. Thereafter, we will maintain a waiting list.

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