
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Summer BBQ at the DACOR Bacon House

PDAA members are invited to the DACOR Bacon House for a summer barbeque on Thursday, July 25, 6:30-8:30.

The cost of the BBQ is $40 per person. For those who are already members of DACOR, you can RSVP online; for those who are not members, you can RSVP by emailing or by calling 202-682-0500, extension 20.

DACOR, Inc., is a membership organization. While it started out in 1952 as an organization of retired Foreign Service Officers, it has broadened its membership pool in recent years so that its members now also include active duty officers as well as U.S. citizen foreign affairs professionals. DACOR, Inc., provides a number of benefits and services to its members, including formal programs on foreign affairs and development topics, informal discussion groups, social events, reciprocal clubs, guest rooms, and member lunches. Its sister organization, the DACOR Bacon House Foundation, is the steward of an elegant 1825 Federalist-style residence, operates a museum illustrating aspects of diplomacy open to the general public, and annually awards $250,000 in scholarships and fellowships to students studying aspects of international relations.

In the fall, DACOR will be inaugurating its efforts on social media, through which it intends to contribute to educating the American public about U.S. foreign affairs and the value and importance of diplomacy.

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