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PDAA Member Discounts Available for Symposium on U.S. and East Asia

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(Courtesy, Santa Fe World Affairs Forum)

Public Diplomacy Alumni Association is a partnering organization with the Santa Fe World Affairs Forum for the symposium Living in Challenging Times: The United States and East Asia, at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 8-9, 2013.

April 8: 2-6 pm: Registration; “East Asia and the Pacific: Issues and Challenges,” Ambassador Will Itoh, Director, Washington International Programs, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and Senior Advisor, McLarty Associates ; “North Asia and the Korea Conundrum,” Dr. Chris Nelson, Vice President of Samuels International, Washington, D.C.; Cocktail reception for speakers and Symposium participants.

April 9: 9:15 am -4:00 pm: Registration; “China as a Rising Power Seeking its Rightful Place,” Dr. Suisheng Zhao, Director of the Center for U.S.-China Cooperation, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver; “The Chinese Military Machine,” Dennis Blasko, author “The Chinese Army Today: Tradition and Transformation” (Routledge 2012) and former US military attaché Beijing; “Is the Myanmar Exuberance Irrational — and whatever happened to Vietnam?,” Ms. Frances Zwenig, President, U.S.-ASEAN Business Council Institute, Inc.; wind-up panel. Full buffet luncheon for speakers and Symposium participants.

Reservations can be made online or by check sent to Santa Fe World Affairs Forum (see the Web site for mailing address). PDAA members qualify for the member discount of $70.00 for both days, a savings of $15.00. Single day rates are $40.00 for April 8 and $50.00 for April 9.

Co-sponsoring the event are University of New Mexico’s Center for Science, Technology and Policy;  the Albuquerque Committee on Foreign Relations; and St. John’s College.

In addition to PDAA, partnering organizations for the event include Friendship Force, Albuquerque Council on International Visitors, American Foreign Service Association, and University of New Mexico’s International Studies Institute.

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