
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Nov. 4 First Monday Program: Using Cultural Diplomacy to Celebrate the 200th Anniversary of Stamford Raffles’s Arrival in Singapore

Please join us on Mon., Nov. 4, for the First Monday luncheon program focusing on Using Cultural Diplomacy to Celebrate the 200th Anniversary of Stamford Raffles’s Arrival in Singapore featuring Ashok Kumar Mirpuri, Singapore Ambasasador.

First Monday Forums are a joint project of the Public Diplomacy Association of America, the USC Center on Communication Leadership and Policy, and the Pubic Diplomacy Council. The Forums are held at George Washington University’s Elliott School Lindner Family Common, 1957 E Street, NW, 6th floor, starting at 12 noon. Sandwiches and refreshments are served. Attendance is free with an RSVP at​.

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