
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Fulbright at 75: What role should the Fulbright Program play in fostering human rights and social justice?

As it turns 75, the internationally esteemed Fulbright Program faces a number of critical global challenges including those related to human security. Among the issues are accelerating climate change, unprepared public health systems, threats to civil society and democratic governance by corrupt and authoritarian regimes, communication technologies that mislead as well as clarify.

Underlying these challenges and intensified by them are ongoing injustices around the world related to race, caste, religion, gender and identity. Disenfranchised individuals and groups are disproportionally the losers in the contest for goods and benefits, services and influence.  Lasting solutions to major contemporary issues are unlikely in the absence of fundamental rights and equal opportunities.

How can the Fulbright program contribute to greater understanding and more concerted progress in meeting challenges related to race, religion, gender and identity?  How have Fulbrighters been affected by these issues and what steps would they prescribe for future programs? To what extent are there non-traditional options for future programs that merit consideration? Are  there opportunities that the U.S. should seek to expand or re-open Fulbright programs? What other concerns do Fulbright alumni and those of us who have administered Fulbright exchanges have about the program’s future?

At our first post-pandemic in-person event, PDAA will host a panel discussion on the future of Fulbright at 75. Panelists with experience as prior Fulbright grantees will discuss their experience as grantees and share their views on the future of the program.

The discussion will take place on Mon., Sep. 13, from 12:00 to 2:00, at DACOR Bacon House, 1801 F St., NW, with check-in beginning at 11:30. To register, please complete the form on page 7 of the newsletter or register on-line using the drop-down menu below. Deadline is Sep. 3. The cost is $35 for PDAA members and their guests and for PDC members; the cost is $42 for non-members.

The event will also be broadcast live and gratis over Zoom and recorded for later viewing. To register for the Zoom experience, please email here.

Select appropriate price from the drop-down menu

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