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Awardee News: 2010 PDAA Award Winner This Year’s Murrow Recipient

Aaron David Snipe and Rob Nevitt

2010 achievement award winner Aaron David Snipe, right, with PDAA awards chair Rob Nevitt. (A. Kotok)

Updated, 6 November 2013.

State Department announced the selection of Aaron Snipe, Public Affairs Advisor in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, as the recipient of this year’s Edward R. Murrow Award for his extraordinary efforts to advance U.S. government policies and objectives across the Middle East and North Africa. The announcement was made in a 30 October cable to overseas posts

Snipe’s work was recognized three years ago when the PDAA Awards Committee selected him as one of three recipients of the 2010 PDAA Award for Achievement in Public Diplomacy. Congratulations to Aaron from PDAA.

The Murrow Award is presented to the State Department employee who best exemplifies the standards of dedication, integrity, courage, sensitivity and excellence in the field of public diplomacy set by Edward R. Murrow, who was the Director of the United States Information Agency (USIA) from 1961 to 1964.

Michael Pelletier, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of African Affairs, was named runner-up for his “excellent application of public diplomacy strategies and tools to address key foreign policy challenges,” according to the announcement.


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