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“Talking with the Enemy” Focus of 2014 Santa Fe Symposium

Adobe-style architecture in Santa Fe


This year’s Santa Fe World Affairs Forum Symposium explores “Talking with the Enemy: Cultivating Friends, Diplomacy Revisited,” April 28 and 29 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The event is co-sponsored by American Foreign Service Association and St. John’s College, and supported by a number of partner organizations, including Public Diplomacy Alumni Association.

The program begins at 1:45 pm on Monday, April 28 and features Thomas E McNamara, former U.S. Ambassador to Colombia and Ambassador at Large for Counter-Terrorism discussing U.S. foreign security strategy after the 9/11 wars. Later in the day Gregory Hicks, former Deputy Chief of Mission in Tripoli, Libya gives his personal perspectives on on U.S. diplomacy in a multi-polar world.

On Tuesday, April 29, former foreign service officer Donald M. Bishop will give his views on engaging people through public diplomacy. James P. Farwell, author of Persuasion and Power: the Art of Strategic Communication (Georgetown University Press, 2012) and senior research fellow in strategic studies at the University of Toronto follows with a presentation on how rhetoric influences reality.

Later in the day on Tuesday, James Michel, former U.S. Ambassador to Guatemala talks about development cooperation and its role in diplomacy, defense, and U.S. foreign policy. A panel of the symposium presenters wraps up the symposium.

There will be ample time for questions and discussion after each presentation and opportunities to chat informally with the speakers during the cocktail reception and lunch.

Fees and reservations for the event are described on the symposium Web site, and include a reception on Monday and buffet lunch on Tuesday. PDAA members qualify for the member rates when signing up for both days of the symposium.


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