
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Elizabeth Colton to Decipher Politics and Diplomacy News

DACOR Bacon House

(DACOR Bacon House Foundation)

7 March 2015. PDAA member Elizabeth Colton will analyze the increasing pace and plethora of news reported around the world producing an overwhelming variety and confusion of headlines, at DACOR Bacon House on 13 March. Dr. Colton has been speaking and writing worldwide for decades to explain the way the news business works and the complex interrelationships of politics, diplomacy and the global news media.

Her career bridges diplomacy, journalism, education and politics. A retired FSO, author, anthropologist and former journalist, she currently leads her own international consulting firm, EO Colton & Associates Global Collaboration. Dr. Colton’s diplomatic career included service as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer in Kenya, a UN international development planner, and an FSO with assignments in Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain.

The event takes place on Friday, 13 March at 12:00 noon at DACOR Bacon House, 1801 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. The fee is $25.00 and reservations are required.

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