
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

PDAA Honors Professionals Who Are Making a Difference

Emerging Artists Workshop organized by The Phillips Collection and the U.S. Department of State at the Alhamra Arts Center in Lahore, Pakistan. (Courtesy, Attia Nasar)

In Pakistan, art is being used to give voice to young Pakistanis, displaced persons and refugees – many in remote and marginalized regions – on difficult national issues. […]

Pew Survey: Muslim Publics Concerned About Extremism


Concern about Islamic extremism remains widespread among Muslims from South Asia to the Middle East to sub-Saharan Africa. Across 11 Muslim publics surveyed by the Pew Research Center, a median of 67{2a6033f7eac5eade65ac45c5dc15245d782bf621d43785c1e0a25870ae642a3b} say they are somewhat or very concerned about Islamic extremism. In five countries – Pakistan, Jordan, Tunisia, Turkey and Indonesia […]

PDAA 2013 Awards Recognize Outstanding Public Diplomacy Accomplishments

Peshawar PAO Shayna Cram composed and recorded this music video in Pashto about hope for women and girls. (Courtesy, U.S. Consulate General Peshawar.)

Public Diplomacy Alumni Association highlights achievements by professionals for their work in Algeria, Pakistan, and Korea

Even under the best conditions, public diplomacy can be a challenging undertaking calling for a […]

America’s Asia Re-Balance Examined at April 2 PDAA Lunch Program

Satu Limaye at PDAA (A. Kotok)

Satu Limaye Ph.D., director of the East West Center in Washington, discussed “America’s Re-Balancing Toward Asia: What It Means for the U.S. and the Region” at the Public Diplomacy Alumni Association luncheon program on April 2, 2013 at DACOR-Bacon House in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Limaye described and […]

Rafer and Me, in Kabul and on Network TV

February 17, 2013

Jazz DeCou

As Ernesto Uribe told the Public Diplomacy Alumni Blog, public diplomacy officers sometimes end up in the big time world of show business. Jazz DeCou, retired from USIA and now living in France — colleagues may remember him as Jim DeCou — tells how his USIS work with American Olympic […]

Remembering Two Goodwill Ambassadors Named Ravi

December 30, 2012

Mike Anderson reflects on the recent passing of Indian music icon Ravi Shankar, and a meeting in India between Ravi Shankar and visiting U.S. musician Ravi Coltrane, the son of jazz legend John Coltrane. This article first appeared in the January 2013 PDAA Today newsletter.

I was saddened to learn of India […]