
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Foreign Service Journal Features Public Diplomacy Award Winners

Naimeh Hadidi (on right) visiting in the Aljouf region with a member of the King Abdulaziz Society for Women whose goal is to strengthen the position of women in Saudi society. (Courtesy, Naimeh Hadidi)

The July-August 2014 Foreign Service Journal reports on this years winners of PDAA Award for Achievement in Public Diplomacy, […]

PDAA Honors Professionals Who Are Making a Difference

Emerging Artists Workshop organized by The Phillips Collection and the U.S. Department of State at the Alhamra Arts Center in Lahore, Pakistan. (Courtesy, Attia Nasar)

In Pakistan, art is being used to give voice to young Pakistanis, displaced persons and refugees – many in remote and marginalized regions – on difficult national issues. […]

Brookings Institution Event: Academic and Cultural Exchange Programs

On 17 October 2013, the Brookings Institution will celebrate its 50th year as a designated sponsor of the Department of State’s Exchange Visitor Program. Brookings is just one of several organizations that bring individuals and their families to the U.S. for academic and cultural exchange.

Brookings is welcoming back some of its exchange visitor alumni […]