
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

2016 PDAA Award Winners Demonstrate Creativity in Challenging Environments

Milica Raskovic, right, and Marko Bumbic are among the winners of the 2016 Awards for Excellence in Public Diplomacy, from PDAA (Courtesy American Corner, Novi Sad, Serbia)

(16 May 2016) Promoting the growth of media and ensuring the safety of journalism is challenging throughout the Middle and Near East, and nowhere more so […]

Amb. Kenton Keith: “Vital importance of person to person engagement”


(14 May 2016) Remarks by Amb. Kenton W. Keith on receiving the DACOR Foreign Service Cup at Foreign Affairs Day, 6 May 2016, U.S. Department of State. Reprinted with permission.

Thank you Amb. Ewing, Mr. Director General, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen:

I am very grateful to have my name included among those […]

Outsmarting, Selling Apartheid Discussed at First Monday Forum

(Public domain, Wikimedia Commons)

(15 February 2016). Authors of two recent books about South Africa’s apartheid era will discuss their works at the next First Monday Forum on Monday, 7 March 2016 at American Foreign Service Association, or AFSA, headquarters in Washington, D.C.

At the forum, Dan Whitman, former program development officer at […]

Gloria Kreisher, English Language Teaching Officer Extraordinaire

(Alborzagros, Wikimedia Commons)

Robert R. Gosende

(15 February 2016). Gloria Irene (Wasielewski) Kreisher: English Language Teaching Officer Extraordinaire and the English Teaching Officer Profession at the Department of State

On September 24, 2015, Gloria Irene (Wasielewski) Kreisher, one of the most effective English Language Teaching Officers ever to have served in the former […]

Strengthening America’s Public Diplomacy Capability: USIA, the Cold War, and Combating ISIS Propaganda — Part 3

Emily Green, center, at a workshop she organized for Guinean health communicators at the height of the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak (Kimberly Phelan-Royston)

(30 January 2016) Editor’s note. In reply to an 8 January 2016 article in the Washington Post, “Obama administration plans shake-up in propaganda war against ISIS” Bruce Byers wrote an essay […]

Strengthening America’s Public Diplomacy Capability: USIA, the Cold War, and Combating ISIS Propaganda — Part 2

Jennifer Galt conducting Web chat over social media (U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou)

Bruce Byers

(30 January 2016). Editor’s note. In reply to an 8 January 2016 article in the Washington Post, “Obama administration plans shake-up in propaganda war against ISIS” Bruce Byers wrote an essay about the effectiveness of USIA in projecting American […]