
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

New Book on Nontraditional PD Launched at January Forum

(Public Diplomacy Council)

(24 December 2016) The next Monday lunch forum program will examine Nontraditional U.S. Public Diplomacy: Past, Present, and Future, a new book published by Public Diplomacy Council. The event takes place on Monday, 9 January 2017 at American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) in Washington, D.C.

According to its publisher, the […]

Where America’s International Students Come From

(28 November 2016) The number of international students attending American universities has been rising steadily. Just under 975,000 international students were enrolled in U.S. universities last year and that number has now increased to 1,043,839. That upward trend is important as foreign students contribute billions to the U.S. economy. China supplies the most international students […]

U.S. Universities with Most International Students

(6 September 2016) Compliments of Statistica

You will find more statistics at Statista

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Amb. Kenton Keith: “Vital importance of person to person engagement”


(14 May 2016) Remarks by Amb. Kenton W. Keith on receiving the DACOR Foreign Service Cup at Foreign Affairs Day, 6 May 2016, U.S. Department of State. Reprinted with permission.

Thank you Amb. Ewing, Mr. Director General, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen:

I am very grateful to have my name included among those […]

The Space Education of a Foreign Service Officer

International Space Station (

(2 April 2016) Editor’s note: Retired FSO and PDAA member Bill Parker tells how he became a space — as in extra-terrestrial space — enthusiast. Bill has been Special Advisor to the Space Foundation since 2007, a gig as he explains, “continuously excites and surprises me with its very […]

Santa Fe Forum Explores Human Migration Crisis

(Santa Fe World Affairs Forum)

(2 April 2016) A day does not pass without reports of unprecedented flows of people who have abandoned their homes in hope of better lives in other countries. The most visible movements today are of people from war-torn Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan struggling to Turkey and Greece in […]