
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

New Book on Nontraditional PD Launched at January Forum

(Public Diplomacy Council)

(24 December 2016) The next Monday lunch forum program will examine Nontraditional U.S. Public Diplomacy: Past, Present, and Future, a new book published by Public Diplomacy Council. The event takes place on Monday, 9 January 2017 at American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) in Washington, D.C.

According to its publisher, the […]

Panel Discussing PD Challenges at Walter Roberts Centennial

Walter Roberts in an early Voice of America broadcast (U.S. government, public domain)

(9 November 2016). The Walter Roberts Endowment and the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication at George Washington University are holding a panel discussion on Challenges in the New Public Diplomacy Environment, to celebrate the centennial of Walter Roberts’s […]

Amb. Kenton Keith: “Vital importance of person to person engagement”


(14 May 2016) Remarks by Amb. Kenton W. Keith on receiving the DACOR Foreign Service Cup at Foreign Affairs Day, 6 May 2016, U.S. Department of State. Reprinted with permission.

Thank you Amb. Ewing, Mr. Director General, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen:

I am very grateful to have my name included among those […]

April 11 PDAA Lunch Features Experts on Historic Paris Climate Change Accord

Sarah Ladislaw, at PDAA’s 11 April 2016 lunch program on the climate change accord. (A. Kotok)

(16 March 2016, updated 12 April 2016) In celebration of Earth Day 2016, PDAA hosted a discussion with two experts on the agreement reached by nearly 200 nations at the historic December 2015 Paris summit that will […]

Strengthening America’s Public Diplomacy Capability: USIA, the Cold War, and Combating ISIS Propaganda — Part 3

Emily Green, center, at a workshop she organized for Guinean health communicators at the height of the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak (Kimberly Phelan-Royston)

(30 January 2016) Editor’s note. In reply to an 8 January 2016 article in the Washington Post, “Obama administration plans shake-up in propaganda war against ISIS” Bruce Byers wrote an essay […]

Strengthening America’s Public Diplomacy Capability: USIA, the Cold War, and Combating ISIS Propaganda — Part 2

Jennifer Galt conducting Web chat over social media (U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou)

Bruce Byers

(30 January 2016). Editor’s note. In reply to an 8 January 2016 article in the Washington Post, “Obama administration plans shake-up in propaganda war against ISIS” Bruce Byers wrote an essay about the effectiveness of USIA in projecting American […]