
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Russia’s Influence and Propaganda on Ukraine Topics of September PDAA Program

A panel including Jarek Anders, at lectern, discussed Russia and Ukraine before a packed house at PDAA’s September 8 lunch program.

Updated: 20 September 2014.

PDAA kicked off its fall season with a topic that could not be timelier – Russia and Ukraine – looking not so much at the state of the […]

PDAA Annual Awards Dinner on May 4 Features Family Style Italian Cuisine

(Carl Milner/Flickr)

Updated: 6 May 2014

The annual PDAA dinner offers our members, their spouses, and guests the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and colleagues and expand their networks with new acquaintances while dining on Italian fare. The event highlights the PDAA awards recognizing public diplomacy achievements.

This year’s dinner was held […]

“Talking with the Enemy” Focus of 2014 Santa Fe Symposium


This year’s Santa Fe World Affairs Forum Symposium explores “Talking with the Enemy: Cultivating Friends, Diplomacy Revisited,” April 28 and 29 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The event is co-sponsored by American Foreign Service Association and St. John’s College, and supported by a number of partner organizations, including Public Diplomacy Alumni Association.

The […]

Cuba Exchanges Explored at April 22 PDAA Lunch Program

Havana rooftop, January 2013. (A. Kotok)

Reservations are now closed.

A panel of experts and recent visitors discussed the role of private exchanges in maintaining contacts between the U.S. and Cuba, and whether private exchanges could help pave the way to an eventual normalization of relations between the two countries, at a special Public […]

P.J. Crowley Discusses State of U.S. Public Diplomacy at April 16 PDAA/AFSA Forum

In a program co-sponsored by the American Foreign Service Association and the Public Diplomacy Alumni Association, former State Department spokesman Philip J. (P.J.) Crowley discussed what he has calls the “U.S. Public Diplomacy Deficit” on Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00 pm, at AFSA headquarters, 2101 E Street, N.W. (Metro: Foggy Bottom/GWU).

P.J. Crowley is […]

Briefing on Trends in U.S.-Sponsored Broadcasting

(Voice of America)

PDAA, together with Syracuse University’s Maxwell in Washington Public Diplomacy Program held a briefing on new trends in U.S.-sponsored broadcasting, Wednesday, March 12, 11:30 am to 1:00 p.m. Senior officials of the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) discussed recent initiatives by the VOA and other U.S. broadcasting entities, including the increasing […]