
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Can Diplomacy Really be Public? [Updated]

PDAA president Mike Schneider served as moderator of the discussion. (Courtesy, Embassy of Sweden)

Update: 23 October 2013: Photos from the event are now online.

Update, 19 October 2013: Joe Johnson reviewed the discussion at this event for Public Diplomacy Council, Swedes, Dutch and Brits Make Their Public Diplomacy … Public.

Just what is […]

U.S. Gender Programs and Democratic Reforms the Topics of October 1 PDAA Lunch Program

Update: Video of the talks at this event are now available.

U.S. gender programs, democratic reform and social change. PDAA lunch program, 1 October 2013. Part 1 on Vimeo.


U.S. gender programs, democratic reform and social change. PDAA lunch program, 1 October 2013. Part 2 on Vimeo.



2013 PDAA Chinese Banquet and Awards Dinner Held on May 5

(Robert S. Donovan/Flickr)

The annual PDAA Awards Dinner offered a chance for old friends and colleagues to reconnect, enjoy a delicious meal, and keep up to date on public diplomacy activities. It also provided a chance to show support for recipients of PDAA’s public diplomacy award, announced at the dinner.

The 2013 dinner was […]

America’s Asia Re-Balance Examined at April 2 PDAA Lunch Program

Satu Limaye at PDAA (A. Kotok)

Satu Limaye Ph.D., director of the East West Center in Washington, discussed “America’s Re-Balancing Toward Asia: What It Means for the U.S. and the Region” at the Public Diplomacy Alumni Association luncheon program on April 2, 2013 at DACOR-Bacon House in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Limaye described and […]

PDAA Member Discounts Available for Symposium on U.S. and East Asia

(Courtesy, Santa Fe World Affairs Forum)

Public Diplomacy Alumni Association is a partnering organization with the Santa Fe World Affairs Forum for the symposium Living in Challenging Times: The United States and East Asia, at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 8-9, 2013.

April 8: 2-6 pm: Registration; “East Asia and […]

Community Engagement in Cultural Diplomacy Examined at PDAA January 29 Lunch Program

Jazz Tap Ensemble leads a master class in Kinshasa for State Department exchange program (Department of State).

Stacy White, director of the State Department’s Cultural Programs Division, described how the arts help forge connections among artists and local communities in the U.S. and overseas at the January 29, 2013 lunch program of the […]