
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

April 8 Program Examines Challenges of International Exchanges

What challenges do the organizations that implement international exchanges face after overseas posts identify candidates for academic, cultural, and leadership exchanges? How do they identify hosts for the exchanges and how do they maneuver between State Department offices and the citizens and institutions that come face-to-face with grantees while they are in the […]

Engaging North Korea & Other Hard-to-Reach Audiences

Amb. Robert King, former Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights (A. Kotok)

Close to 70 PDAA members and guests participated in a particularly timely program on “Engaging North Korea and Other Hard-to-Reach Audiences” on February 28, the day after the United States –North Korea Summit in Hanoi ended abruptly with no agreement. […]

New Speaker Added to Feb. 28 Program on Engaging North Korea, Other Hard-to-Reach Audiences

(Updated Feb. 18, 2019) After decades of hostile or no communication, difficult, often halting efforts to negotiate, “soft power” diplomacy (including visits to North Korea by the New York Philharmonic and basketball player Dennis Rodman), and a dangerous ratcheting-up of nuclear brinksmanship in 2017, in March 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean […]

New Programs Announced With Marie Royce, NED Officials

The Public Diplomacy Association of America (PDAA), the Public Diplomacy Council (PDC), and the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership and Policy have announced two upcoming “First Monday” programs.

Assistant Secretary of State Marie Royce will be the guest at the March 4 program. Secretary Royce heads the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and […]

Future of South Africa Discussed at November 19 Luncheon

South Africa was the focus of PDAA’s Nov. 19, 2018, luncheon discussion. The rule of law, the future of the African National Congress, and “state capture” under the Jacob Zuma régime were among the topics covered. The speakers were sociologist Fran Buntman, who teaches Criminal Justice, Law, and the politics of South Africa at George […]

Prospects for the Ramaphosa Administration Focus of November 19 PDAA Lunch Program

President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses book launch honouring the centenaries of President Nelson Mandela and Struggle heroine Mama Albertina Sisulu, as well as the writing of South Africa’s democratic Constitution. (Photo GCIS, reprinted under Creative Commons)

(Updated 10/24/18) For its second program of the 2018-19 year, PDAA will focus on Nelson Mandela’s legacy and the […]