
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Ben Bradlee – The Reluctant Public Diplomacy Officer

Benjamin C. Bradlee (Miguel Ariel Contreras Drake-McLaughlin/Wikimedia Commons)

Michael H. Anderson

30 November 2014. Washington and, indeed, much of the world, recently paid tribute to the legendary Ben Bradlee, the Executive Editor of The Washington Post from 1968 -91, who passed away October 21, 2014. His role in managing his paper’s sensitive relations with […]

Public Diplomacy Morphs Into PR Following Merger


Fred Coffey

Jane and I moved back to Denton, Texas in May leaving our many friends and a very important unfinished project. Several former USIA colleagues and I tried for nearly a decade to persuade the State Department to restructure the information (public diplomacy) operations to better serve our foreign affairs. Neither […]

Message to All PD Officers: “You Are Not Alone!”

(Ilya Schurov/Flickr)

Jonathan Henick is a Senior Foreign Service Officer currently serving as Public Diplomacy Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communications (IPDGC) at George Washington University. Henick is also a 2008 recipient of PDAA’s Public Diplomacy Achievement Awards.

The Roman philosopher Seneca once said, “By teaching, […]

A Global Challenge: Aiding Those with Disabilities

Tara Sonenshine (

Editor’s note: Tara Sonenshine — former undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs, and current PDAA member — prepared this opinion piece for CNN. She is now a distinguished fellow at George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs.

CNN, 21 October 2013. Imagine not being able to […]

Public Diplomacy is Flourishing–Spread the Word

Editor’s note: This post by Nancy Snow, Abe Fellow and Senior Visiting Research Professor, Keio University in Tokyo, comments on the 1 October 2013 essay appearing on about the demise of USIA. Reprinted with permission.

This funereal op-ed is so fundamentally flawed that it is more like a drive-by shooting. Shooting USIA in the […]

A new entry on “A Way with Words: Books by USIA Authors”

Updated: 29 September 2013’s list of books by public diplomacy alumni continues to grow with the addition today of Bill Lenderking’s new work, The Soul Murderer: A Psychological Mystery. “In The Soul Murderer,” says the blurb on, “a gruesome murder occurs, and the need to find the answers changes the lives of many […]