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Walter Roberts Lecture to Highlight VOA, Values Journalism

David Ensor

David Ensor (

(6 February 2016). The 2016 Walter Roberts lecture will feature former Voice of American director David Ensor discussing the role of VOA and values journalism in combating propaganda and violent extremism. The event takes place on Monday, 22 February 2016 at 6:30 pm on the George Washington University campus in Washington, DC.

Ensor is Executive Vice President of the Atlantic Council, and served as VOA’s director from 2011 to 2015. He joined VOA after serving as communications director at the U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. Ensor previously worked as a reporter or correspondent for National Public Radio, ABC News, and CNN. He was also vice-president for communications at Mercuria Energy Group, an international energy trading and investment company.

The annual Walter Roberts lecture, hosted by  the Walter Roberts Endowment, features a prominent foreign affairs figure offering students, faculty, and public diplomacy practitioners an opportunity to hear different perspectives on issues related to public diplomacy and foreign policy. Frank Sesno, director of the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University, serves as moderator.

The late Walter Roberts, a leader and pioneer in public diplomacy and associate director of USIA, created the endowment in 2011. The  endowment supports activities, programming, and scholarship for the study of public diplomacy at George Washington University.

This year’s Walter Roberts lecture takes place on Monday, 22 February, 6:30 to 8:00 pm at Lindner Commons, 1957 E Street NW on the George Washington University campus in Washington, D.C. The event is free, but advance registration is required.

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