
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

DACOR-Bacon House Ramp Campaign

DACOR-Bacon House

(DACOR-Bacon House)

(17 December 2016)

Dear Fellow Members of PDAA:

All the greetings of this season! I hope that you are your families are celebrating fully its joys and hope for the future.

I hope you will consider one additional task at this busy time.  Those of you who attended the great luncheon program on November 14th — more on that subject in the next newsletter — will remember that I announced that DACOR has decided to embark on a necessary project that will benefit members of PDAA and other foreign affairs organizations that meet in the historic DACOR-Bacon House.

They have committed to construct a wheelchair ramp along F Street that will ensure that our colleagues with permanent or temporary disabilities can enjoy and take advantage of the facilities as much as the rest of our members. This ramp will be both ADA-compliant and in keeping with the historic nature of the House, approved by the various DC boards in charge of historic preservation and fine arts. DACOR has requested sister organizations to contribute to the cost of this project which, because of the historic and ADA considerations, is estimated at $130,000.

The PDAA Board has decided to encourage individual members to contribute to this worthy project. I hope that you will consider doing so in order that PDAA’s name can be listed on the plaque that will mounted next to the ramp. You can donate online at If you write a check, please make it out to the “DACOR Bacon House Foundation,”  at 1801 F St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, so that you get tax credit for this contribution to a 501 (c) 3 organization. On the memo line of your check, please write: “Ramp: PDAA,” so that PDAA gets credit as well. We are grateful for the comfortable venue for our luncheon meetings.  Making the facility accessible will certainly facilitate our programs.

Cynthia Efird
President PDAA

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