
Back Issues of PDAA Today

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ADST Seeking to Hire a Writer/Researcher for Special Project


(17 December 2016) The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training is seeking to hire a writer to create an e-book in commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the Foreign Service Institute.  The project would begin upon hiring and must be completed and approved by March 3, 2017.

FSI will be commemorating the 70th anniversary of its founding throughout 2017. While almost everyone at the State Department has had some experience with FSI, many do not know the rich history that lies behind Arlington Hall (currently the National Foreign Affairs Training Center) or the many bureaucratic and political struggles its supporters overcame to create it.

To help address this, ADST wants to hire a writer to research its extensive oral history collection to find excerpts from past FSI directors and FSOs who have been students there to get their impressions of the events that helped shape FSI over the decades. Possible subjects could include FSI during the McCarthy era, the modernization of the language program and the creation of the Arlington campus, as well as anecdotes, both insightful and amusing, about studying at FSI.

The writer would work closely with the Stephen Low Library to research the history of Arlington Hall and its role in World War II, the Korean War, and its transfer to the Department in the 1980s. All of this information would be put in an e-book, to cover both the history of Arlington Hall and of FSI, which would be made available free of charge to all State Department and FSI employees.

The writer would receive a small stipend, to be paid upon the successful completion of the project.

If you would like to apply for this position, please contact Judith Baroody at, providing a cover letter, C.V., and writing sample. Deadline for applying is December 31, 2016.

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